Thursday, 11 August 2016

Top 10 worst health habits in Men Men make every effort to portray their best personality by hitting the gym early morning or following daily rounds of exercise. In spite of these healthy routine, men are involved in some bad health habits that put their hard work in waste. As a mature human being, we understand the difference between good and bad. There are some bad health habits that we are so used to it regardless of the fact that it put our life at risk. Here are the top 10 worst health habits in men 1. Drinking High consumption of alcohol can put a men’s life in danger. Besides, binge drinking can also put your immediate life at risk for example if you drink and drive and you may meet with an accident. It may also affect your body structure and results in fast weight gain. 2. Work stress Now days both men and women are equally exposed to work stress. According to research, men are likely to get more stressed due to work as compared to women and indulge in consumption of alcohol. A stressful life can cause depression, heart related problems, sleep disorder, and more. 3. Avoiding visiting a doctor According to the study, men are 20% less likely to visit a doctor as compared to women. Men prefer self checks that attending a doctor as they feel the experience will be unpleasant. There are many men who even avoid self check from the fear of being attacked by a dangerous disease. 4. Not Expressive Men do not share their feelings easily or ask for help from someone so often. Because they are unable to share their problems and find solution for the same, many men get into the stage of depression and even commit suicide or indulge in heavy drinking. 5. Bathroom Hygiene Many men are so lazy and careless that they do not even wash their hands after visiting the bathroom. This spreads germs rather quickly and easily and they become the victim of infections and virus. 6. Do not apply Sunscreen Research says that daily use of sunscreen can reduce the chances of skin cancer. Men spend most of their time in outdoor locations for their work or any other activity they are affected by the heat. 7. Smoking Men think that smoking can help them deal with stress but constant smoking can lead to lung cancer. It is also that one cigarette reduces your lifespan by 5 minutes. 8. Eating their food fast A good food habit says to chew your food properly instead of gulping it. Moreover, large number of people junk food over healthy food and frequently visits restaurants as compared to women. 9. Does not Brush Brushing your teeth twice a day can help you fight from cavities and this is taught to everyone in school. Many men do not follow this habit and often have dental problems. 10. Skipping breakfast Since you are getting late for your work, men often skip their morning breakfast. As this is the most important meal of your day and helps you remain fresh and energetic throughout the day.

Top 10 worst health habits in Men

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